Lectro E-BikesRabani Singh | 8 Dec, 2022

If you've ever questioned or argued about which is better for you—cycling vs running—we're going to put an end to this age-old argument.

Let's start by making it clear that we are considering the argument more broadly and not via a specific perspective. As a result, your argument is presented from a variety of perspectives.

Let's begin with the most popular justification of cycling vs running: people opt to exercise in order to burn calories or lose weight.

1)  Calories Used to Lose Weight?

The number of calories burned during any exercise depends on a number of variables, including gender, age, weight, intensity, duration, and others.

Running often burns more calories since it involves higher muscle work. So, yeah, running beats cycling in terms of calories burned in a given length of time. However, the majority of people do not run with the same frequency or intensity that they do when they cycle. The reason for this is that time and intensity both make it more difficult to run a significant distance than you can readily cycle. In fact, you'll be able to cycle two, three, or even four times as far as you'd run. So, if you increase the length of time spent cycling, you can easily make it as calorie-burning as running.

And, in order to lose weight, you must strike the right balance between calories in and calories out, which are burned through regular activity and exercise. Running is the best way to burn calories quickly. However, if you cycle for extended periods of time each time, you may be able to burn the same number of calories, if not more, than if you ran. If you're wondering how that relates to the next point, read on.

2) Pleasurable

Running, while great for weight loss, is often limited by exhaustion. Cycling, on the other hand, is an activity that does not feel like exercise, even if you are doing it to lose weight. It is relaxing and enjoyable, and you tend to cycle more frequently and for longer periods of time. Cycling for longer periods of time, even for an older person, has no negative effects. In fact, cycling has only advantages that add up.

3) Lifetime Activity

It's been said that you can ride a bike even if you can't walk or hobble.

While runners have a limited lifespan, we do see a few exceptions of older people who run. Cycling, on the other hand, has no age limit. Cycling can be done in one's later years, though the intensity may decrease. Cycling can be enjoyed by people of all fitness levels, and by continuing to do so, they can gradually improve their fitness.

Read This - The Infinite Benefits of Cycling

4)  The Effect of Injury

Any activity can be harmful to your health. The worst offender, however, is inactivity.

Running requires you to ensure that the surface on which you run is good and soft. A hard surface, such as cement roads, can cause knee injuries. Even cycling can cause aches and pains if you use an incorrectly sized bike or incorrect riding posture. That is easily remedied by purchasing a properly fitted bicycle and ensuring that your riding posture is not harmful to you.

5) Cardiovascular Fitness

Any cardio workout helps your cardiovascular health by strengthening your heart and allowing it to pump more oxygen into your body. Running and cycling are both cardio workouts that improve heart health. Cardio workouts improve lung health, stimulate circulation, strengthen heart muscles, lower resting pulse rate, and lower blood fat levels, in addition to lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cycling and running have also been shown to reduce cancer and all-cause mortality.

While both running and cycling are beneficial to the heart, cycling is preferable for those recovering from a stroke or other heart problems.

6) Muscle Growth and Toning

When you cycle, you use all of your major muscle groups, particularly your leg muscles such as your quadriceps and hamstrings. Running engages your quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and plantar flexors.

When you cycle, you can expect your legs to develop muscles, as opposed to running, which only results in stronger and more toned muscles overall.

 Cycling also provides resistance training through pedalling. While the top half of your body is also involved, it is not as much as the bottom half.

7) Bone Health Advantages

Running is thought to be better for bone health than cycling. Running has a higher impact than cycling, which has no force on the joints. Cycling routes should include weight-bearing activities to reduce the risk of low bone mass, which can lead to fractures. Cycling, on the other hand, may alleviate arthritis symptoms by lubricating the joints and reducing pain and stiffness.

8) What About the Funds?

Cycling is thought to be an expensive sport. There is the cost of the bicycle, the helmet, and any other accessories you may require. Running, on the other hand, appears to have few costs aside from running shoes. However, you'd be surprised how much a good, dependable pair of shoes will cost you. Good running shoes designed specifically for protecting your joints while running on hard surfaces can set you back quite a bit. Furthermore, it is recommended that you replace your running shoes after 500 to 700 km, which should take about five to six months for a regular runner.

9) Transports You

Cycling is fantastic because it allows you to travel further and faster. You can get a lot done in a short amount of time. You can go on tours and travel wherever and whenever you want.

That's far more interesting than running because you can limit yourself to your immediate surroundings or run on a treadmill in the gym.

So, cycling wins out over running.

10) Cycling can help you get a good start in the morning.

Starting your day with a healthy activity like cycling wakes you up by increasing circulation and gives you a sense of accomplishment.

As the day progresses, you may feel more inclined to make healthy, positive choices.

Fasted morning rides at a low intensity may burn fat, improve endurance performance, and increase energy and metabolism levels throughout the day.

The catch? According to the research, this is mostly true for recreational bikers, and it is not recommended that highly trained athletes fast before long endurance rides.

11) Cycling helps with posture, balance, and coordination.

You'll improve your overall balance, coordination, and even your gait as you stabilise your body and keep your bike upright.

Balance tends to deteriorate with age and inactivity, so it's critical to maintain it. Improved balance aids in the prevention of falls and fractures, lowering your risk of injury and keeping you on the field.

So, having discussed the multi-lens view of which is better – cycling vs running - we can now conclude that the benefits stack up more favourably for cycling than for running. However, if calorie burning is all that matters, then run; if you want to make a lifestyle change, then cycling may be a better fit.

But, in the end, it all comes down to what you truly enjoy. It makes no sense to make cycling your primary activity if you find it boring. You will not stick with something you do not enjoy.